This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.


Please note that this dataset is discontinued. Annual statistics on level of GDP per capita and its components are available at Level of GDP per capita and its components

TimeInformation on dimension2012
VariableGDP per head of population, USDGDP per head of population as % of USA (USA=100)GDP per hour worked, current prices, USDGDP per hour worked as % of USA (USA=100)Gap in labour utilisation with respect to the US (in % points)Information on itemHours worked per head of populationGap in GDP per capita with respect to the US (in % points)Gap in GDP per hour worked with respect to the US (in % points)Gap in hours worked per capita with respect to the US (in % points)
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
AustraliaInformation on item44 7848753834845-13-175
Austria43 8488553.7841817-15-161
Belgium40 0687861.896-19648-22-4-20
Canada41 4558047.3746876-20-269
Chile22 4164327.2421823-57-582
Czechia26 7065231483862-48-527
Denmark42 1768259.593-11708-18-7-12
Estonia23 6254627.8432850-54-575
Finland38 282744976-2782-26-24-3
FranceInformation on item36 2497059.593-23609-30-7-24
Germany41 2318058.391-11708-20-9-12
Greece25 3094934.554-5734-51-46-9
Hungary22 0114328.344-2779-57-56-3
Iceland37 5697341.7658901-27-3512
Ireland43 5798471.2111-27612-1611-24
IsraelInformation on item29 83058........-42....
Italy33 1176446.773-9709-36-27-12
Japan35 2076840.1636878-32-379
Korea30 8006028.945151 067-40-5532
Luxembourg88 27617182.1128431 076712833
Mexico18 3213519.2306954-65-7018
Netherlands43 1468360.294-10717-17-6-11
New Zealand32 8986437.8595871-36-418
Norway65 63812786.6135-87582735-6
Poland22 1674328.144-1790-57-56-2
Portugal25 275493453-4744-51-47-8
Slovak Republic25 3234934.754-5730-51-46-9
Slovenia27 4935339.261-8702-47-39-13
Spain32 081625078-16642-38-22-20
Sweden43 1768454.785-2789-16-15-2
Switzerland53 73310455.186189764-1421
TürkiyeInformation on item18 1143528.945-10628-65-55-22
United Kingdom37 4467248.576-3772-28-24-4
United States51 68910064.11000806000
Russian FederationInformation on item23 6224624378985-54-6322
G7 countries43 1918455.286-2783-16-14-3
Euro areaInformation on item36 2057052.983-12684-30-17-15
OECD TotalInformation on item36 9777246.773-1795-28-27-1
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 14:56 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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