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MeasureCurrent prices
UnitEuro, Millions
TransactionInformation on item
NF1: Production account / External account of goods and servicesHide subtree NFR1: Total resources99 828.2106 333.6113 847.9118 650.3117 974.3122 986.9128 341.3133 030.4
NFR1: Total resourcesHide subtree NFP1R: Output99 828.2106 333.6113 847.9118 650.3117 974.3122 986.9128 341.3133 030.4
NFP1R: OutputNFP11R: Market Output76 488.882 111.588 405.492 706.091 246.495 372.399 642.3103 085.2
NFP12R: Output for own final use18 577.119 151.920 058.820 306.520 871.221 620.222 526.223 318.9
NFP13R: Other non-market output4 762.35 070.25 383.85 637.85 856.75 994.46 172.86 626.2
Hide subtree NFU1: Total uses99 828.2106 333.6113 847.9118 650.3117 974.3122 986.9128 341.2133 030.3
NFU1: Total usesNFP2P: Intermediate consumption44 217.947 535.851 441.655 159.254 839.957 440.459 823.861 816.7
Hide subtree NFB1GP: Gross domestic product / Gross value added55 610.358 797.862 406.363 491.163 134.465 546.568 517.471 213.6
NFB1GP: Gross domestic product / Gross value addedNFK1MP: Consumption of fixed capital8 437.08 783.49 204.49 694.99 954.110 222.010 598.611 004.1
NFB1NP: Net domestic product / Net value added47 173.350 014.453 201.953 796.153 180.355 324.457 918.960 209.5
NF2: Generation of income accountHide subtree NFR211: Total resources58 137.461 238.864 725.366 014.265 771.868 174.271 100.173 953.3
NFR211: Total resourcesNFB1GR: Gross domestic product / Gross value added55 610.358 797.862 406.363 491.163 134.465 546.568 517.471 213.6
Hide subtree NFD3R: Subsidies, receivable2 527.12 441.02 319.02 523.12 637.42 627.72 582.72 739.7
NFD3R: Subsidies, receivableNFD39R: Other subsidies on production2 527.12 441.02 319.02 523.12 637.42 627.72 582.72 739.7
Hide subtree NFU211: Total uses58 137.461 238.864 725.366 014.165 771.768 174.271 100.273 953.3
NFU211: Total usesHide subtree NFD1P: Compensation of employees18 904.219 803.120 967.921 751.122 080.622 623.223 080.524 303.2
NFD1P: Compensation of employeesNFD11P: Wages and salaries15 637.416 416.917 407.418 124.018 428.818 876.919 252.320 251.5
NFD12P: Employers'social contributions3 266.93 386.33 560.63 627.13 651.83 746.33 828.24 051.7
Hide subtree NFD2P: Taxes on production and imports, payable1 599.81 642.31 698.81 758.01 858.61 865.81 909.01 985.6
NFD2P: Taxes on production and imports, payableNFD29P: Other taxes on production1 599.81 642.31 698.81 758.01 858.61 865.81 909.01 985.6
Hide subtree NFB2G_B3GP: Operating surplus and mixed income, gross37 633.439 793.442 058.642 505.041 832.543 685.246 110.747 664.5
NFB2G_B3GP: Operating surplus and mixed income, grossNFB2GP: Operating surplus, gross13 458.113 877.514 449.615 214.815 947.016 448.317 107.417 519.6
NFB3GP: Mixed income, gross24 175.325 915.927 609.027 290.225 885.527 236.929 003.330 144.9
NF3: Allocation of primary income accountHide subtree NFR212: Total resources179 085.0189 283.9201 572.7210 040.3205 019.0206 195.3213 484.2222 933.7
NFR212: Total resourcesHide subtree NFB2G_B3GR: Operating surplus and mixed income, gross37 633.439 793.442 058.642 505.041 832.543 685.246 110.747 664.5
NFB2G_B3GR: Operating surplus and mixed income, grossNFB2GR: Operating surplus, gross13 458.113 877.514 449.615 214.815 947.016 448.317 107.417 519.6
NFB3GR: Mixed income, gross24 175.325 915.927 609.027 290.225 885.527 236.929 003.330 144.9
Hide subtree NFD1R: Compensation of employees120 007.8125 585.6131 956.3138 695.0139 949.4142 590.8148 001.9153 950.3
NFD1R: Compensation of employeesNFD11R: Wages and salaries96 711.4101 410.5106 708.8112 431.9113 423.8115 417.5119 721.3124 392.5
NFD12R: Employers'social contributions23 296.424 175.125 247.526 263.126 525.627 173.228 280.729 557.8
Hide subtree NFD4R: Property income21 443.823 904.927 557.828 840.323 237.119 919.319 371.621 318.9
NFD4R: Property incomeNFD41R: Interest5 986.56 956.29 058.89 901.97 763.76 024.86 352.05 903.2
NFD42R: Distributed income of corporations12 462.913 803.815 085.015 701.711 959.010 425.39 618.011 403.0
NFD43R: Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment14.585.4100.783.499.3162.4119.9119.9
NFD44R: Property income attributed to insurance policy holders2 979.83 059.53 313.23 153.33 415.03 306.93 281.73 892.7
NFD45R: Rents0.
NFTINTR: Total interest (incl. FISIM)4 665.54 944.86 540.78 139.85 969.84 121.24 403.24 336.4
Hide subtree NFU212: Total uses179 084.9189 283.9201 572.7210 040.4205 019.0206 195.2213 484.3222 933.7
NFU212: Total usesHide subtree NFD4P: Property income2 952.93 349.44 767.45 297.33 857.92 963.03 196.22 910.3
NFD4P: Property incomeNFD41P: Interest2 952.93 349.44 767.45 297.33 857.92 963.03 196.22 910.3
NFD45P: Rent0.
NFB5GP: Gross national income/ Balance of primary income, gross176 132.0185 934.5196 805.3204 743.1201 161.1203 232.2210 288.1220 023.4
NFTINTP: Total interest (incl. FISIM)4 312.94 725.46 134.07 087.45 240.34 374.84 543.24 287.3
NF4: Secondary distribution of income accountHide subtree NFR22: Total resources261 640.8274 732.6288 972.8301 178.7302 438.7306 914.6315 981.3329 012.7
NFR22: Total resourcesNFB5GR: Gross national income / Balance of primary income, gross176 132.0185 934.5196 805.3204 743.1201 161.1203 232.2210 288.1220 023.4
Hide subtree NFD6R: Social contributions and benefit77 970.581 058.884 227.988 150.292 365.695 059.796 962.2100 477.8
NFD6R: Social contributions and benefitHide subtree NFD61R: Net social contributions144.9136.2135.0123.4106.299.999.092.1
NFD61R: Net social contributionsNFD612R: Imputed social contributions144.9136.2135.0123.4106.299.999.092.1
NFD62R: Social benefits other than social transfers in kind48 470.649 964.251 368.053 410.956 435.758 423.159 127.361 262.5
NFD63R: Social transfers in kind29 355.030 958.432 724.834 615.935 823.636 536.737 735.839 123.2
Hide subtree NFD7R: Other current transfers7 538.37 739.37 939.68 285.48 912.08 622.78 731.08 511.5
NFD7R: Other current transfersNFD72R: Non-life insurance claims3 580.03 905.73 955.54 096.74 526.34 042.64 124.14 256.5
NFD75R: Miscellaneous current transfers3 958.43 833.63 984.14 188.74 385.74 580.04 606.94 255.0
Hide subtree NFU22: Total uses261 641.0274 732.6288 972.7301 178.7302 438.6306 914.6315 981.2329 012.7
NFU22: Total usesHide subtree NFD5P: Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.25 580.827 172.629 390.231 952.729 906.330 457.231 895.333 749.4
NFD5P: Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.NFD51P: Taxes on income23 993.825 523.827 665.730 175.028 101.428 584.430 030.331 818.6
NFD59P: Other current taxes1 587.01 648.81 724.51 777.71 804.91 872.91 865.01 930.8
Hide subtree NFD6P: Social contributions and benefits46 631.048 421.450 534.352 591.553 565.354 554.156 838.859 618.9
NFD6P: Social contributions and benefitsHide subtree NFD61P: Net social contributions43 013.344 754.446 673.548 603.149 419.650 371.152 468.254 943.1
NFD61P: Net social contributionsNFD611P: Actual social contributions37 222.638 923.440 731.142 632.743 469.044 387.346 360.048 793.6
NFD612P: Imputed social contributions5 790.75 831.15 942.45 970.55 950.65 983.76 108.26 149.6
NFD62P: Social benefits other than social transfers in kind144.9136.2135.0123.4106.299.999.092.1
NFD63P: Social transfers in kind3 472.83 530.83 725.83 864.94 039.54 083.24 271.64 583.7
Hide subtree NFD7P: Other current transfers6 742.97 334.37 399.07 827.38 106.97 958.28 040.58 393.4
NFD7P: Other current transfersNFD71P: Net non-life insurance premiums3 584.33 914.03 962.44 214.04 561.04 055.04 124.24 282.9
NFD75P: Miscellaneous current transfers3 158.53 420.33 436.53 613.33 546.03 903.23 916.34 110.4
NFB7GP: Adjusted disposable income, gross182 686.3191 804.3201 649.2208 807.2210 860.1213 945.1219 206.6227 251.0
NFB6GP: Disposable income, gross156 804.0164 376.6172 650.3178 056.2179 076.0181 491.5185 742.4192 711.5
NF5: Use of disposable income accountHide subtree NFR241: Total resources157 711.0165 316.6173 265.3178 338.2180 227.0182 410.5186 290.4193 439.5
NFR241: Total resourcesNFB6GR: Disposable income, gross156 804.0164 376.6172 650.3178 056.2179 076.0181 491.5185 742.4192 711.5
NFD8R: Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds907.0940.0615.0282.01 151.0919.0548.0728.0
Hide subtree NFU241: Total uses157 711.1165 316.6173 265.3178 338.3180 227.0182 410.5186 290.4193 439.6
NFU241: Total usesHide subtree NFP3P: Final consumption expenditure134 903.2140 307.7144 970.4149 249.3151 192.8156 910.1163 878.3169 019.8
NFP3P: Final consumption expenditureNFP31P: Individual consumption expenditure134 903.2140 307.7144 970.4149 249.3151 192.8156 910.1163 878.3169 019.8
NFB8GP: Gross saving22 807.925 008.928 294.929 089.029 034.225 500.422 412.124 419.8
NF6: Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers accountsHide subtree NFR311: Total change in liabilities and net worth24 340.426 451.130 121.330 682.130 768.427 249.324 093.626 167.4
NFR311: Total change in liabilities and net worthNFB8GR: Gross saving22 807.925 008.928 294.929 089.029 034.225 500.422 412.124 419.8
Hide subtree NFD9R: Capital transfers1 532.51 442.21 826.41 593.11 734.21 748.91 681.51 747.6
NFD9R: Capital transfersNFD92R: Investment grants999.1861.61 053.71 120.31 274.11 225.31 181.71 306.2
NFD99R: Other capital transfers533.4580.7772.7472.8460.1523.6499.8441.4
Hide subtree NFU311: Total change in assets24 340.426 451.230 121.330 682.030 768.427 249.324 093.726 167.4
NFU311: Total change in assetsHide subtree NFD9P: Capital transfers392.9290.4292.8248.7285.4232.3298.8177.4
NFD9P: Capital transfersNFD91P: Capital taxes139.7131.9155.2142.7129.844.850.831.7
NFD99P: Other capital transfers253.2158.5137.6106.0155.6187.4247.9145.7
NFK1P: Consumption of fixed capital8 437.08 783.49 204.49 694.99 954.110 222.010 598.611 004.1
NFB101P: Changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfers15 510.517 377.420 624.120 738.420 528.916 795.013 196.314 985.9
NF7: Acquisitions of non-financial assets accountHide subtree NFR312: Total change in liabilities and net worth23 947.526 160.829 828.530 433.330 483.027 017.023 794.925 990.0
NFR312: Total change in liabilities and net worthNFB101R: Changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfers15 510.517 377.420 624.120 738.420 528.916 795.013 196.314 985.9
NFK1R: Consumption of fixed capital8 437.08 783.49 204.49 694.99 954.110 222.010 598.611 004.1
Hide subtree NFU312: Total change in assets23 947.526 160.829 828.530 433.330 483.027 017.023 794.925 990.0
NFU312: Total change in assetsHide subtree NFP5P: Gross capital formation12 547.712 999.414 237.215 291.815 534.215 930.617 365.017 383.8
NFP5P: Gross capital formationNFP51P: Gross fixed capital formation12 038.112 440.213 274.513 989.713 922.214 382.315 138.215 663.9
NFP52P: Changes in inventories270.5181.5354.136.6-70.6114.6253.328.0
NFP53P: Acquisitions less disposals of valuables239.2377.7608.71 265.51 682.51 433.81 973.51 691.9
NFK2P: Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced non financial assets0.
NFB9P: Net lending (+) / Net borrowing (-)11 399.813 161.415 591.315 141.514 948.811 086.46 429.98 606.2
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 22:28 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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