This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.


This dataset has been migrated to our new data dissemination platform OECD Data Explorer. You can now access it from here

Please refer to the dataset Taxes and social contributions receipts, 2019 archive to access longer time series based on the methodology prior to the 2019 benchmark revisions.

CountryInformation on item
MeasureCurrent prices
UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
TransactionInformation on table
Hide subtree TREC: Total receipts from taxes and social contrib., less various amountsInformation on row................................
Hide subtree D2D5D91D611: Total tax receipts and actual social contributionsInformation on row................................
Hide subtree D2D5D91: Total tax receiptsInformation on row338 807.0332 881.0358 427.0389 121.0414 283.0432 722.0443 889.0463 607.0486 757.0528 730.0559 981.0551 672.0593 184.0......
Hide subtree D2: Taxes on production and importsInformation on row137 811.0146 233.0153 891.0158 276.0172 480.0184 296.0185 283.0198 496.0205 617.0216 256.0221 325.0223 093.0241 415.0......
D21: Taxes on productsInformation on row96 006.0103 024.0106 581.0107 977.0112 525.0121 084.0126 351.0134 250.0138 035.0142 962.0143 912.0145 180.0162 099.0......
D29: Other taxes on productionInformation on row41 805.043 209.047 309.050 299.059 955.063 212.058 932.064 246.067 582.073 294.077 413.077 912.079 316.0......
Hide subtree D5: Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.Information on row200 995.0186 648.0204 537.0230 845.0241 802.0248 425.0258 605.0265 111.0281 140.0312 474.0338 656.0328 579.0351 769.0......
D51: Taxes on incomeInformation on row200 995.0186 648.0204 537.0230 845.0241 802.0248 425.0258 605.0265 111.0281 140.0312 474.0338 656.0328 579.0351 769.0......
D59: Other current taxesInformation on row0.
D91: Capital TaxesInformation on row0.
D611: Actual social contributionsInformation on row................................
TAXB: Tax burden: total receipts from taxes and compulsory SC - various amountsInformation on row................................
D612: Imputed social contributionsInformation on row................................
D995: Capital transf. from govt, taxes and soc.contrib. unlikely to be collectedInformation on row0.
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 13:40 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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