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CAPOG: Net capital outlays of the government, value8 788 339 239.5228 802 304 354.29111 027 684 118.313
CB: Current account, value-55 114 000 000.000-54 675 599 214.357-56 221 293 367.388
CBD: Current account, value in US$-42 007 310 144.227-41 555 930 770.529-43 347 180 699.605
CBGDPR: Current account, as a percentage of GDP-5.942-5.497-5.303
CG: Government final consumption expenditure, value169 406 000 000.000181 918 448 634.252195 455 526 472.039
CGAA: Government final consumption expenditure,value,appr.account169 406 000 000.000181 918 448 634.252195 455 526 472.039
CGNW: Government final non-wage consumption expenditure, value......
CGV: Government final consumption expenditure, volume158 234 447 429.000163 233 798 939.207168 469 364 977.113
CGW: Government final wage consumption expenditure, value......
CP: Private final consumption expenditure, value534 997 000 000.000565 327 393 148.560594 601 418 683.480
CPAA: Private final consumption expenditure, value, appr. account534 997 000 000.000565 327 393 148.560594 601 418 683.480
CPI: Consumer price1.0511.0821.110
CPIH: Consumer price,harmonized......
CPV: Private final consumption expenditure, volume521 759 000 000.000537 707 129 941.661551 779 654 102.769
EE: Dependent employment8 662 700.0008 800 134.9698 905 300.198
EEP: Dependent employment of the business sector7 348 410.2437 477 710.8617 577 586.393
EG: Government employment......
ES: Self-employed1 369 765.8891 429 234.1851 451 455.135
ET: Total employment10 032 465.88910 229 369.15410 356 755.333
ETB: Employment of the business sector8 718 176.1328 906 945.0459 029 041.528
ETNIA: Total employment, national accounts basis......
EXCH: Exchange rate, US$ per local currency0.7620.7600.771
EXCHUD: Exchange rate, local currency per US$1.3131.3161.297
FBGSD: Net exports of goods and services, US dollars-14 813 487 338.343-11 980 237 336.163-14 257 801 637.667
FBGSV: Net exports of goods & services, volume-45 043 000 000.000-54 778 965 584.083-60 417 461 058.824
FDDV: Final domestic expenditure, volume913 027 446 642.000952 634 604 576.368989 839 985 012.693
GAP: Output gap of the total economy-0.234-0.592-0.074
GDP: Gross domestic product, value, market prices927 492 999 999.731994 634 555 633.5061 060 212 282 210.930
GDPCSA: GDP value country specific (frequently annual non-adjusted GDP)......
GDPV: Gross domestic product, volume, market prices870 596 000 000.000896 128 470 666.504929 086 546 158.098
GDPVD: Gross domestic product, volume, at 2000 PPP, US$594 064 364 352.460611 486 832 359.256633 976 274 267.092
GDPVTR: Potential output of total economy, volume872 638 321 957.148901 467 796 683.868929 773 540 391.523
GGFL: General government gross financial liabilities, value133 429 494 553.788131 910 544 839.127134 279 400 385.585
GGFLMQ: Gross public debt, Maastricht criterion, as a % of GDP......
GGFLQ: General government gross financial liabilities, % of GDP14.38613.26212.665
GNFL: General government net financial liabilities, value-5 006 288 432.888-18 824 433 706.064-25 041 457 758.839
GNFLQ: General government net financial liabilities, as a % of GDP-0.540-1.893-2.362
IB: Private non-residential fixed capital formation, value159 166 000 000.000182 407 073 001.869201 529 082 709.177
IBV: Private non-residential fixed capital formation, volume157 536 452 303.000177 052 949 866.543191 782 651 018.817
ICV: Fixed investment in construction, volume......
IG: Government fixed capital formation, value19 716 000 000.00020 000 000 000.00022 250 000 000.000
IGAA: Government fixed capital formation, value, approp. account19 716 000 000.00020 000 000 000.00022 250 000 000.000
IGV: Government fixed capital formation, volume19 402 546 910.00019 177 527 425.34520 421 929 321.752
IHV: Private residential fixed capital formation, volume56 095 000 000.00055 463 198 403.61357 386 385 592.241
IPV: Private total fixed capital formation, volume213 631 452 303.000232 516 148 270.156249 169 036 611.058
IRL: Long-term interest rate on government bonds5.3195.5635.690
IRS: Short-term interest rate5.6445.7735.850
ISK: Increase in stocks, value2 371 999 999.732-2 029 453 684.753-2 029 453 684.753
ISKV: Increase in stocks, volume3 696 000 000.0002 088 299 949.7042 088 299 949.704
IT: Gross total fixed capital formation, value240 115 000 000.000265 178 715 200.547290 677 159 464.217
ITV: Gross total fixed capital formation, volume233 033 999 213.000251 693 675 695.500269 590 965 932.810
KBV: Capital stock of the business sector, volume......
KTV: Capital stock total economy, volume1 002 156 665 336.5101 042 760 292 798.9001 083 593 183 076.010
LF: Labour force10 565 749.46210 735 201.65910 868 597.618
LFPR: Labour force participation rate77.12877.43677.463
MGS: Imports of goods & services, value, national accounts basis196 126 000 000.000215 627 514 360.575237 006 996 067.984
MGSD: Imports of goods and services, value, US dollars149 366 850 086.655163 952 375 523.782182 734 769 520.419
MGSV: Imports of goods&services, volume, national accounts basis194 884 000 000.000207 218 271 080.716226 836 822 005.762
MONEYS: Money supply, broad definition: M2 or M3662 211 000 000.000718 045 944 078.372779 480 422 376.658
MSII: Factor income paid abroad, value, balance of payments basis56 714 000 000.00061 843 313 696.26564 104 038 896.984
MSIID: Factor income paid abroad, value in US$, BOP basis43 178 667 311.60347 012 283 860.93249 424 856 512.709
NAIRU: NAIRU, unemployment rate with non-accelerating inflation rate5.2005.0005.000
NITV: Net indirect taxes , volume103 390 901 570.841106 651 068 401.723110 898 446 782.230
NLG: Government net lending, value14 326 660 760.4789 128 295 620.4885 429 233 750.939
NLGA: Cyclically adjusted government net lending, value14 326 053 352.44010 319 137 051.1475 418 664 332.117
NLGQ: Government net lending, as a percentage of GDP1.5450.9180.512
NLGQA: Cyclically adjusted lending, % of potential GDP1.5411.0310.511
NTR: Net International Transfers, domestic currency-474 000 000.000-528 000 000.000-368 000 000.000
NTRD: Net International Transfers, US dollars-360 425 130.382-401 312 493.912-283 731 688.512
PCG: Government final consumption expenditure, deflator1.0711.1141.160
PCGW: Government final wage consumption expenditure, deflator1.0351.0861.130
PCP: Private final consumption expenditure, deflator1.0251.0511.078
PDTY: Labour productivity of the total economy1.0451.0551.081
PGDP: Gross domestic product, deflator, market prices1.0651.1101.141
PIB: Private non-residential fixed capital formation, deflator1.0101.0301.051
PIG: Government fixed capital formation, deflator1.0161.0431.090
PIT: Gross total fixed capital formation, deflator1.0301.0541.078
PMGS: Imports of goods&services,deflator,national accounts basis1.0061.0411.045
PMGSX: Price of non-commodity imports of goods and services0.8510.8650.867
POPT: Working-age population13 698 932.52813 863 319.71814 030 704.236
PTDD: Total domestic expenditure, deflator1.0331.0611.089
PXCX: Competitors' price of non-commodity goods and services exports0.8760.8940.906
PXGS: Exports of goods&services,deflator,national accounts basis1.1791.3111.313
PXGSX: Price of non-commodity exports of goods and services1.1521.2581.242
RPMGS: Relative price of imported goods and services1.1261.1231.114
RPXGS: Relative price of exported goods and services1.2871.3641.349
SAVG: Government saving(net), value23 115 000 000.00017 930 599 974.77916 456 917 869.252
SAVH: Household saving, value-13 569 000 000.000-9 551 336 472.956-7 239 052 081.987
SRATIO: Household saving ratio-2.602-1.719-1.232
SSPG: Social security benefits paid by government, value76 786 000 000.00082 000 000 000.00088 000 000 000.000
SSRG: Social security contributions received by government, value......
TDD: Total domestic expenditure, value......
TDDV: Total domestic expenditure, volume916 723 446 642.000954 722 904 526.073991 928 284 962.397
TIND: Indirect taxes, value117 100 000 000.000125 000 000 000.000135 000 000 000.000
TRPH: Total transfers paid by households, value19 869 000 000.00020 901 110 381.12921 668 758 243.454
TRRH: Current transfers received by households, value113 611 000 000.000121 274 851 272.110130 301 380 622.931
TRSSH: Social security contributions by households, value......
TSUB: Subsidies, value12 868 000 000.00014 385 109 037.06615 273 538 860.943
TY: Total direct taxes, value172 268 000 000.000184 824 719 568.267196 195 821 411.392
TYB: Direct taxes on business, value52 829 000 000.00059 575 022 715.38563 000 000 000.000
TYH: Direct taxes on households, value119 439 000 000.000125 249 696 852.883133 195 821 411.392
ULC: Unit labour cost of the total economy1.1501.1931.220
UN: Unemployment533 283.573505 832.505511 842.285
UNR: Unemployment rate5.0474.7124.709
WAGE: Wages, value441 732 000 000.000471 332 872 532.611499 651 985 174.155
WPHD: Primary commodities, world price,HWWA-index US$1.2711.3501.407
WPOIL: Oecd crude oil import price, cif, US$ per barrel......
WR: Wage rate of the business sector49 445.15151 960.68054 529.534
WSSE: Compensation rate of the business sector49 362.00451 878.83754 448.770
WSSS: Compensation of employees, value441 121 000 000.000470 720 872 532.611499 039 985 174.155
XGS: Exports of goods & services, value, national accounts basis176 729 000 000.000199 866 966 695.476218 514 627 343.930
XGSD: Exports of goods and services, value, US dollars134 553 362 748.312151 972 138 187.619168 476 967 882.753
XGSV: Exports of goods&services, volume, national accounts basis149 841 000 000.000152 439 305 496.634166 419 360 946.939
XMKT: Export market for goods and services, volume, US dollars, 2000 prices113 152 881 686.618123 903 654 201.234135 946 374 986.863
XPERF: Export performance of goods and services, volume0.7830.7270.724
XSII: Factor income from abroad, value, balance of payments basis21 471 000 000.00023 456 262 147.00726 743 114 253.649
XSIID: Factor income from abroad, value in US$, BOP basis16 355 485 485.81217 837 902 920.47820 619 209 139.282
YDH: Household disposable income, value521 428 000 000.000555 776 056 675.603587 362 366 601.493
YDRH: Household disposable income, real508 525 752 204.218528 622 444 175.106545 061 941 146.963
YOTH: Selfemployment&property income received by households,value113 541 000 000.000118 142 970 710.845121 687 259 832.172
YPEPG: Property income paid by government, value14 487 000 000.00015 600 000 000.00017 000 000 000.000
YPG: Government current disbursements, value313 716 338 987.972336 323 826 570.675362 729 065 332.982
YPGTQ: Government total disbursements, as a percentage of GDP34.86434.76935.319
YRG: Government current receipts, value336 831 338 987.972354 254 426 545.454379 185 983 202.234
YRGTQ: Total receipts , as a percentage of GDP36.40935.68735.831
YRH: Current receipts of households, value660 736 000 000.000701 926 863 909.615742 226 946 256.339
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 17:09 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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