This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.

CountryInformation on item
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CB: Current account, value-53 190 000 000.000-48 061 249 619.802-46 265 548 606.492
CBD: Current account, value in US$-39 194 609 868.166-37 277 768 368.149-35 873 108 945.097
EXCHUD: Exchange rate, local currency per US$1.3591.2891.290
FBGSD: Net exports of goods and services, US dollars-18 956 910 707.134-14 257 895 108.929-11 309 256 886.479
MGSD: Imports of goods and services, value, US dollars131 153 352 504.487147 110 324 225.250159 289 118 959.461
MSII: Factor income paid abroad, value, balance of payments basis45 062 000 000.00049 000 000 000.00052 000 000 000.000
MSIID: Factor income paid abroad, value in US$, BOP basis33 184 767 078.24138 004 507 739.27840 319 454 136.621
NTR: Net International Transfers, domestic currency-346 000 000.000-240 000 000.000-240 000 000.000
NTRD: Net International Transfers, US dollars-255 920 069.239-186 144 527.703-186 089 788.323
PMGSX: Price of non-commodity imports of goods and services0.8610.8430.847
PXCX: Competitors' price of non-commodity goods and services exports0.8800.8800.898
PXGSX: Price of non-commodity exports of goods and services1.0221.1181.169
RPMGS: Relative price of imported goods and services1.0071.0000.989
RPXGS: Relative price of exported goods and services1.1111.1861.206
XGSD: Exports of goods and services, value, US dollars112 196 441 797.353132 852 429 116.321147 979 862 072.982
XMKT: Export market for goods and services, volume, US dollars, 2000 prices100 836 561 184.535108 908 892 337.466119 680 026 210.495
XPERF: Export performance of goods and services, volume0.8520.8260.812
XSII: Factor income from abroad, value, balance of payments basis17 662 000 000.00019 000 000 000.00020 000 000 000.000
XSIID: Factor income from abroad, value in US$, BOP basis13 004 081 199.70314 736 441 776.45515 507 482 360.239
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 15:41 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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