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TransactionInformation on table
Hide subtree TREC: Total receipts from taxes and social contrib., less various amounts106 329.1110 703.6117 630.5124 271.7121 109.0124 273.5130 635.0136 728.8..
TREC: Total receipts from taxes and social contrib., less various amountsHide subtree D2D5D91D611: Total tax receipts and actual social contributions102 871.2107 060.4113 868.1120 316.1116 907.0119 962.1126 191.3132 178.1..
D2D5D91D611: Total tax receipts and actual social contributionsHide subtree D2D5D91: Total tax receipts67 010.269 669.074 855.079 564.575 665.877 874.482 169.686 064.3..
D2D5D91: Total tax receiptsHide subtree D2: Taxes on production and imports35 525.436 325.838 166.439 914.640 417.741 433.143 120.344 873.6..
D2: Taxes on production and importsHide subtree D21: Taxes on products28 019.828 544.430 055.031 169.831 384.632 203.533 548.834 940.3..
D21: Taxes on productsD211: Value added type taxes19 087.219 350.020 560.521 545.321 887.322 448.323 140.424 236.5..
Hide subtree D212: Taxes and duties on imports excluding VAT1.40.1-7.7-
D212: Taxes and duties on imports excluding VATD2121: Import duties1.40.1-7.7-
Hide subtree D2122: Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and import duties0.
D2122: Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and import dutiesD2122A: Levies on imported agricultural products0.
D2122B: Monetary compensatory amounts on imports0.
D2122C: Excise duties0.
D2122D: General sales taxes0.
D2122E: Taxes on specific services0.
D2122F: Profits of import monopolies0.
Hide subtree D214: Taxes on products, except VAT, import and export taxes8 931.19 194.39 502.29 645.19 497.29 755.110 408.310 703.8..
D214: Taxes on products, except VAT, import and export taxesD214A: Excise duties and consumption taxes6 522.56 444.86 699.36 823.96 684.36 880.07 395.47 476.6..
D214B: Stamp taxes0.
D214C: Taxes on financial and capital transactions629.2764.1790.8740.6714.0828.1831.51 024.7..
D214D: Car registration taxes34.334.334.234.833.835.322.623.4..
D214E: Taxes on entertainment85.396.6102.0105.5110.2116.3110.4103.8..
D214F: Taxes on lotteries, gambling and betting325.7438.4439.2462.3481.6452.5331.5303.7..
D214G: Taxes on insurance premiums1 007.91 031.11 047.11 078.31 090.01 073.51 128.81 109.9..
D214H: Other taxes on specific services319.4378.1379.0392.7377.4363.1394.9450.4..
D214I: General sales or turnover taxes0.
D214J: Profits of fiscal monopolies0.
D214K: Export duties and monetary comp. amounts on exports0.
D214L: Other taxes on products n.e.c.6.96.910.
Hide subtree D29: Other taxes on production7 505.67 781.48 111.58 744.89 033.29 229.69 571.59 933.3..
D29: Other taxes on productionD29A: Taxes on land, buildings or other structures606.6613.6626.0651.1667.3681.9693.5706.8..
D29B: Taxes on the use of fixed assets0.
D29C: Total wage bill and payroll taxes5 892.16 154.76 511.57 137.07 347.17 548.37 912.08 240.0..
D29D: Taxes on international transactions0.
D29E: Business and professional licences0.
D29F: Taxes on pollution0.
D29G: Under-compensation of VAT (flat rate system)52.521.418.622.673.328.250.837.8..
D29H: Other taxes on production n.e.c.954.3991.7955.5934.1945.4971.2915.2948.8..
Hide subtree D5: Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.31 345.233 211.336 533.439 507.235 118.336 396.538 998.641 159.0..
D5: Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.Hide subtree D51: Taxes on income29 751.731 555.934 794.737 714.433 299.534 505.737 118.139 216.9..
D51: Taxes on incomeHide subtree D51AD51C1: Taxes on individual or household income including holding gains23 374.124 875.826 972.129 461.427 388.427 883.729 293.531 076.3..
D51AD51C1: Taxes on individual or household income including holding gainsD51A: Taxes on individual or household income excl. holding gains23 374.124 875.826 972.129 461.427 388.427 883.729 293.531 076.3..
D51C1: Taxes on individual or households holding gains0.
Hide subtree D51BD51C2: Taxes on the income or profits of corporations including holding gains5 695.25 963.77 069.47 467.55 113.95 810.46 979.97 263.4..
D51BD51C2: Taxes on the income or profits of corporations including holding gainsD51B: Taxes on the income or profits of corporations excl. holding gains5 695.25 963.77 069.47 467.55 113.95 810.46 979.97 263.4..
D51C2: Taxes on holding gains of corporations0.
D51C3: Other taxes on holding gains0.
D51C: Taxes on holding gains0.
D51D: Taxes on winnings from lottery or gambling0.
D51E: Other taxes on income n.e.c.682.4716.5753.2785.5797.2811.6844.7877.2..
Hide subtree D59: Other current taxes1 593.51 655.41 738.71 792.81 818.91 890.81 880.51 942.1..
D59: Other current taxesD59A: Current taxes on capital0.
D59B: Poll taxes0.
D59C: Expenditure taxes0.
D59D: Payments by households for licences0.
D59E: Taxes on international transactions0.
D59F: Other current taxes n.e.c.1 593.51 655.41 738.71 792.81 818.91 890.81 880.51 942.1..
Hide subtree D91: Capital Taxes139.7131.9155.2142.7129.844.850.831.7..
D91: Capital TaxesD91A: Taxes on capital transfers139.7131.9155.2142.7129.844.850.831.7..
D91B: Capital levies0.
D91C: Other capital taxes n.e.c.
Hide subtree D611: Actual social contributions35 861.037 391.539 013.140 751.741 241.142 087.844 021.746 113.8..
D611: Actual social contributionsHide subtree D6111: Employers' actual social contributions16 695.917 390.818 226.119 005.819 084.319 571.620 449.321 487.2..
D6111: Employers' actual social contributionsD61111: Compulsory employers' actual social contributions16 695.917 390.818 226.119 005.819 084.319 571.620 449.321 487.2..
D61112: Voluntary employers' actual social contributions0.
Hide subtree D6112: Employees' social contributions14 706.815 305.315 965.816 756.816 867.517 289.217 974.018 794.7..
D6112: Employees' social contributionsD61121: Compulsory employees' social contributions14 471.715 044.215 721.016 513.416 600.516 998.517 697.018 498.1..
D61122: Voluntary employees' social contributions235.1261.1244.8243.4267.0290.7277.0296.6..
Hide subtree D6113: Social contributions by self- and non-employed persons4 458.34 695.44 821.34 989.15 289.35 226.95 598.35 831.9..
D6113: Social contributions by self- and non-employed personsD61131: Compulsory social contributions by self- and non-employed persons4 446.54 683.54 809.74 977.15 275.85 210.45 577.85 814.7..
D61132: Voluntary social contributions by self- and non-employed persons11.911.911.612.013.616.520.517.3..
D612: Imputed social contributions3 638.23 807.53 936.34 137.04 372.84 500.54 636.94 787.3..
Hide subtree D995: Capital transf. from govt, taxes and soc.contrib. unlikely to be collected180.2164.4173.9181.5170.7189.1193.2236.6..
D995: Capital transf. from govt, taxes and soc.contrib. unlikely to be collectedD99521: Taxes on products assessed but unlikely to be collected..................
D99529: Other taxes on production assessed but unlikely to be collected..................
D99551: Taxes on income assessed but unlikely to be collected..................
D99559: Other current taxes assessed but unlikely to be collected..................
D9956111: Employers' actual social contrib. assessed but unlikely to be collected65.461.164.378.261.875.772.8101.9..
D9956112: Employees' social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected50.347.149.660.347.558.756.279.6..
D9956113: Soc. cont. by unemp. persons assessed but unlikely to be collected64.556.159.943.161.454.764.255.2..
D99591: Capital taxes assessed but unlikely to be collected..................
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 13:54 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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