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TransactionInformation on table
Hide subtree SNF1: Generation of income account..................
SNF1: Generation of income accountSB1G: Value added; gross887 960.0961 880.0..............
SD1P: Compensation of employees; paid464 511.0501 011.0539 020.0............
Hide subtree SD2P: Taxes on production and imports; paid121 301.0128 008.0..............
SD2P: Taxes on production and imports; paidSD29P: Other taxes on production and imports; paid..................
Hide subtree SD3R: Subsidies; received13 841.014 367.0..............
SD3R: Subsidies; receivedSD39R: Other subsidies on production; received..................
Hide subtree SB2G_B3G: Operating surplus and mixed income; gross395 483.0431 407.0..............
SB2G_B3G: Operating surplus and mixed income; grossSB3G: Mixed income; gross83 066.085 551.0..............
Hide subtree SNF2: Distribution of income account..................
SNF2: Distribution of income accountSD1R: Compensation of employees; received463 166.0498 801.0..............
SD2R: Taxes on production and imports; received121 301.0128 008.0..............
SD3P: Subsidies; paid13 841.014 367.0..............
SD4R: Property income; received259 287.0300 059.0..............
SD5R: Current taxes on income; wealth; etc.; received177 925.0190 676.0..............
SD61R_D62R: Social contributions and benefits other than social transfers in kind; rec...................
SD7R: Other current transfers; received155 353.0161 763.0..............
SD4P: Property income; paid296 829.0344 673.0..............
SD5P: Current taxes on income; wealth; etc.; paid176 772.0189 580.0..............
SD61P_D62P: Social contributions and benefits other than social transfers in kind; paid..................
SD7P: Other current transfers; paid156 983.0163 304.0..............
SB6N: Net national disposable income781 958.0839 865.0..............
Hide subtree SNF3: Use of disposable income account..................
SNF3: Use of disposable income accountSD8R: Adjust. for the change in net equity of households in pension funds; rec...................
SD8P: Adjust. for the change in net equity of households in pension funds; paid..................
SP3P: Final consumption expenditure720 597.0772 843.0..............
SB8N: Saving; net61 361.067 022.0..............
Hide subtree SNF4: Capital account..................
SNF4: Capital accountSK1R: Consumption of fixed capital146 132.0158 925.0..............
SD9R: Capital transfers; received8 415.09 673.0..............
SD9P: Capital transfers; paid7 057.08 084.0..............
Hide subtree SP5P: Gross capital formation261 374.0285 257.0..............
SP5P: Gross capital formationSP51P: Gross fixed capital formation260 762.0281 577.0..............
SP52P: Change in inventories612.03 680.0..............
SP53P: Acquisitions less disposals of valuables..................
SK2P: Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets3.0-486.0..............
SB9: Net lending - net borrowing-52 529.0-57 114.0..............
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 12:38 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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