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The 2008, 2013 and 2018 TALIS databases can be accessed from the respective TALIS websites: TALIS 2008 Data, TALIS 2013 Data and TALIS 2018 Data

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VariableWho the teachers areWho the principals areTeachers' practicesInformation on itemPrincipals' practicesTeachers' initial and induction trainingPrincipals' initial and induction trainingTeachers' professional developmentPrincipals' professional developmentTeachers' self-efficacyTeachers' engagement and motivationSchool climateClassroom managementICT for teachingTeaching in multicultural settingsTeaching students with special needsInformation on itemTeachers' satisfaction with their jobsPrincipals' satisfaction with their jobsTeachers’ working conditions, mobility and risk of attritionAutonomy, collegiality and collaborationTeacher appraisal and feedback
Female teachersTeachers' average ageTeachers' average work experience as a teacherInformation on itemTeachers aged 50 and aboveFemale principalsPrincipals' average agePrincipals' average work experience as a principalInformation on itemPrincipals aged 60 and aboveAverage proportion of class-time teachers report spending on administrative tasks such as marking attendanceAverage proportion of class-time teachers report spending on classroom managementAverage proportion of class-time teachers report spending on actual teaching and learningTeachers who report to 'frequently' or 'always' present tasks for which there is no obvious solutionTeachers who report to 'frequently' or 'always' give tasks that require students to think criticallyAverage proportion of time principals report spending on administrative tasks and meetingsAverage proportion of time principals report spending on leadership tasks and meetingsTeachers for whom content pedagogy and classroom practice in some or all subjects taught were included in their initial formal education or trainingTeachers who did not take part in formal or informal induction activities at the current schoolInformation on itemNovice teachers who have an assigned mentor at the current schoolPrincipals for whom school administration or principal training programme or course elements were never included in their initial formal education or trainingPrincipals for whom school administration or principal training programme or course were included in their formal education or training before taking up position as principalPrincipals for whom instructional leadership training or course were included in their formal education or training before taking up position as principalPrincipals for whom school administration or principal training programme or course were included in their formal education or training before and after taking up position as principalPrincipals for whom instructional leadership training or course were included in their formal education or training before and after taking up position as principalTeachers who undertook professional development in the last 12 monthsTeachers who participated in peer and/or self-observation and coaching as part of a formal school arrangement in the 12 months prior to the surveyTeachers who participated in a network of teachers formed specifically for the professional development of teachers in the 12 months prior to the surveyTeachers who feel professional development activities in the 12 months prior to the survey had a positive impact on their teaching practicesPrincipals who participated in at least one professional development activity in the 12 months prior to the surveyPrincipals who have never received any instructional leadership trainingTeachers who believe they can help their students to value learningTeachers who believe they can help their students to think criticallyTeachers for whom teaching was their first choice as a careerTeachers who report that influencing the development of children and young people was of 'moderate importance' or 'high importance' in deciding to become a teacherTeachers who report that providing a contribution to society was of 'moderate importance' or 'high importance' in deciding to become a teacherTeachers who 'agree' or 'strongly agree' that teachers and students usually get on well with each otherPrincipals reporting that intimidation or bullying among students occurred at least weekly in their schoolTeachers reporting a high level of need for professional development in student behaviour and classroom managementTeachers who 'agree' or 'strongly agree' that they lose quite a lot of time because of students interrupting the lessonsInformation on itemTeachers for whom 'student behaviour and classroom management' was included in their formal education or trainingTeachers who felt 'well prepared' or 'very well prepared' for student behaviour and classroom managementTeachers who feel that they can control disruptive behaviour in the classroomTeachers reporting a high level of need for professional development in ICT skills for teachingPrincipals reporting shortage or inadequacy of digital technology for instructionTeachers who 'frequently' or 'always' let students use ICT for projects or class workInformation on itemTeachers for whom the 'use of ICT for teaching' was included in their formal education or trainingTeachers who felt 'well prepared' or 'very well prepared' for the use of ICT for teachingTeachers who feel they can cope with the challenges of a multicultural classroom 'quite a bit' or 'a lot' in teaching a culturally diverse classInformation on itemTeachers reporting a high level of need for professional development in teaching in a multicultural or multilingual settingTeachers teaching in classes with more than 10% of students whose first language is different from the language of instructionInformation on itemTeachers for whom 'teaching in a multicultural or multilingual setting' was included in their formal education or trainingTeachers who felt 'well prepared' or 'very well prepared' for teaching in a multicultural or multilingual settingTeachers reporting a high level of need for professional development in teaching students with special needsPrincipals reporting a shortage of teachers with competence in teaching students with special needsTeachers teaching in classes with more than 10% of special needs studentsInformation on itemTeachers for whom the 'teaching in a mixed-ability setting' was included in their formal education or trainingTeachers who felt 'well prepared' or 'very well prepared' for teaching in a mixed-ability settingTeachers who 'agree' or 'strongly agree' that the teaching profession is valued in societyTeachers who are, all in all, satisfied with their jobTeachers who are satisfied with the salary they receive for their workTeachers who, apart from their salary, are satisfied with the terms of their teaching contract/employmentPrincipals who 'agree' or 'strongly agree' that the teaching profession is valued in societyPrincipals who are, all in all, satisfied with their jobPrincipals who are satisfied with the salary they receive for their workPrincipals who, apart from their salary, are satisfied with the terms of their teaching contract/employmentTeachers employed on a permanent contractTeachers employed on a fixed-term contract (one school year or less)Teachers who would like to change to another school if that were possibleTeachers who report experiencing 'a lot' of stress in their workTeachers who report that too much administrative work is a source of stress 'quite a bit' or 'a lot'Teachers age 50 or less wanting to leave teaching within the next five yearsTeachers who 'agree' or 'strongly agree' that there is a collaborative school culture that is characterised by mutual supportTeachers who report participating in collaborative professional learning in their school at least once a monthTeachers who 'agree' or 'strongly agree' that they have control over determining course contentInformation on itemTeachers who 'agree' or 'strongly agree' that their school provides staff with opportunities to actively participate in school decisionsPrincipals who report that teachers have significant responsibility for the majority of tasks concerning school policies, instruction and curriculumTeachers who report engaging in team-teaching at least once a monthTeachers who report that the feedback they received in the 12 months prior to the survey had a positive impact on their teaching practiceInformation on itemTeachers who received feedback at some point, based on at least four different methodsTeachers whose principals report that their teachers are never formally appraisedTeachers who report that they have never received feedback in their school
Alberta (Canada)63.52.340.20.413.10.420.41.529.76.751.02.913.35.019.313.96.50.312.90.780.60.931.82.376.
Hide subtree Belgium69.50.839.
BelgiumFlemish Community of Belgium70.
French Community of Belgium68.
CABA (Argentina)Information on item68.51.643.90.316.00.436.21.560.
England (UK)
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aThe question was not administered in the country because it was optional or it is part of a questionnaire from a TALIS cycle the country has not participated in. Therefore, data are missing.
wData were withdrawn or were not collected at the request of the country concerned.
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 11:57 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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