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CountryInformation on item
UnitUS Dollar
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VariableInformation on table
Hide subtree I. DIRECT SUPPORT TO INDIVIDUALS AND COMPANIES......................
I. DIRECT SUPPORT TO INDIVIDUALS AND COMPANIESHide subtree I.A. Transfers based on input use........1 103 4772 045 6691 454 6542 030 8335 97600
I.A. Transfers based on input useI.A.1. Transfers based on variable input use........1 103 4772 045 669854 804881 3052 98800
Hide subtree I.A.2. Transfers based on fixed capital formation............599 8501 149 5282 98800
I.A.2. Transfers based on fixed capital formationI.A.2.1.Support to vessel construction/purchase......................
I.A.2.2.Support to modernisation......................
I.A.2.3.Support to other fixed costs............599 8501 149 5282 98800
Hide subtree I.B. Transfers based on fishers income......................
I.B. Transfers based on fishers incomeI.B.1. Income support......................
I.B.2. Special insurance system for fishers......................
I.C. Transfers based on the reduction of productive capacity2 353 7498 526 7235 578 74419 252 1927 481 22426 268 3281 670 21312 393 4469 955 22000
I.D. Miscellaneous direct support to individuals and companies............98 117226 074000
Hide subtree I.E. Tax exemptions......................
I.E. Tax exemptionsI.E.1. Fuel tax concessions......................
I.E.2. Other tax exemptions......................
Hide subtree II. SUPPORT FOR SERVICES TO THE SECTOR......................
II. SUPPORT FOR SERVICES TO THE SECTORII.A. Access to other countries’ waters......................
Hide subtree II.B. Provision of infrastructure......................
II.B. Provision of infrastructureII.B.1. Capital expenditures......................
II.B.2. Subsidized access to infrastructure......................
II.C. Marketing and promotion..........37 569254 94283 119373 50900
II.D. Support to fishing communities795 6501 194 9131 373 5971 640 9533 521 9482 202 5822 311 5442 131 2811 225 51700
II.E. Education and training......964 873382 624616 134668 9777 379 9711 333 93400
II.F. Research and development39 907 61849 821 46149 004 63851 025 38655 149 11646 500 85048 092 76251 879 36643 739 54627 168 16125 309 388
Hide subtree II.G. Management of resources61 816 77767 444 63390 199 56599 432 69791 011 37075 215 41173 881 00790 267 33269 886 8759 939 7419 989 462
II.G. Management of resourcesII.G.1. Management expenditures41 223 76544 765 86064 836 32963 066 61862 348 36751 922 55751 476 45557 620 83046 017 3939 939 7419 989 462
II.G.2. Stock enhancement programs..............422 7681 643 44100
II.G.3. Enforcement expenditures20 593 01222 678 77325 363 23636 366 07828 663 00423 292 85422 404 55232 223 73422 226 04100
II.H. Miscellaneous support for services to the sector474 360276 635438 420391 478319 750935 2071 612 0601 405 683248 37700
Hide subtree III. PAYMENTS MADE BY THE FISHERIES SECTOR......................
III. PAYMENTS MADE BY THE FISHERIES SECTORIII.A. Payments made by the fisheries sector, for resource access rights................4 065 27500
III.B. Payments made by the fisheries sector, for infrastructure access......................
III.C. Payments made by the fisheries sector, for management, research and enforcement36 467 40846 052 60054 167 93453 228 30653 005 99845 816 55249 160 90452 367 46940 686 7119 939 7419 989 462
III.E. Payments made by the fisheries sector, Other......................
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 02:51 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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