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This dataset has not yet been migrated to our new data dissemination platform OECD Data Explorer. It is therefore still updated in OECD.Stat until the migration is completed (by end of February).

CountryInformation on item
MeasureCurrent prices
UnitEuro, Millions
AggregateNational Accounts (Households S14) - Adjusted estimatesEquivalized disposable income quintilesEquivalized disposable income quintiles
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
TransactionInformation on table
Hide subtree Allocation of primary income account..............
Hide subtree Total resources..............
Hide subtree Operating surplus and mixed income, gross42 847.7..4 848.13 420.74 091.05 093.425 394.4
Operating surplus, gross18 689.4..2 208.62 495.03 558.44 510.85 916.5
Mixed income, gross24 158.3..2 639.5925.7532.5582.619 477.9
Compensation of employees
Hide subtree Property income27 066.0..537.4361.6504.4763.624 899.1
Distributed income of corporations
Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment
Investment income disbursements
Hide subtree Total uses..............
Hide subtree Property income1 649.4..184.4254.4318.3329.9562.5
Balance of primary income, gross
Hide subtree Secondary distribution of income account..............
Hide subtree Total resources..............
Net social contributions
Social benefits other than STiK67 549.5..7 341.810 835.914 084.416 395.518 892.0
Net other current transfers (received - paid)-4 481.5..-5 574.7-373.6155.2172.01 139.7
Social transfers in kind (STiK)
Hide subtree Total uses..............
Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
Net social contributions
Social benefits other than STiK
Disposable income, gross199 903.3..10 312.423 378.030 884.840 698.794 629.3
Adjusted disposable income, gross
Hide subtree Use of disposable income account..............
Hide subtree Total resources..............
Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements
Hide subtree Total uses..............
Hide subtree Final consumption expenditure
Food and non-alcoholic beverages17 814.1..2 934.33 288.03 686.63 824.44 080.8
Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics5 848.0..1 068.81 077.51 165.01 225.71 311.0
Clothing and footwear10 681.3..1 305.41 546.82 077.12 515.63 236.4
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels39 295.5..5 839.26 907.27 870.78 634.210 044.2
Furnishings, households equipment and routine maintenance of the house11 911.6..1 562.11 547.32 134.33 049.43 618.4
Health6 892.7..745.41 051.81 386.41 566.32 142.7
Transport21 461.3..2 159.42 930.94 266.05 247.26 857.8
Communications3 380.2..540.1603.1704.0746.4786.5
Recreation and culture17 916.3..1 976.52 408.73 271.64 029.26 230.3
Education1 492.1..258.5237.4301.6295.6399.1
Restaurants and hotels22 985.3..2 669.73 237.74 308.05 392.67 377.3
Miscellaneous goods and services18 357.1..1 845.02 936.43 490.74 389.85 695.1
Adjustment for expenditures by resident households abroad minus expenditures by non-resident households on the territory
Actual final consumption
Gross Saving
LMissing value; data exist but were not collected
MMissing value; data cannot exist
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 16:04 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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