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ActivityInformation on table
Hide subtree VTOT: Total activity1 358 763.31 430 827.31 520 236.51 603 352.91 629 596.11 701 639.31 778 704.61 858 950.8..
VTOT: Total activityHide subtree VA0: Agriculture, forestry and fishing57 976.860 085.862 997.165 896.368 024.870 360.972 854.375 361.8..
VA0: Agriculture, forestry and fishingV01: Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities52 868.954 721.957 347.959 856.861 726.163 827.566 047.168 281.8..
V02: Forestry and logging4 634.04 863.05 113.25 468.95 692.45 887.96 124.56 357.1..
VB: Mining and quarrying3 061.53 187.03 493.53 971.64 368.84 827.55 407.56 030.5..
Hide subtree VC: Manufacturing112 833.7115 807.3120 445.3124 810.3125 540.3128 719.2132 355.0136 148.6..
VC: ManufacturingV10_12: Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products14 413.814 665.115 103.615 620.215 762.516 159.816 644.117 184.6..
V13_15: Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products4 210.34 143.44 131.84 162.54 136.14 174.94 255.64 342.0..
Hide subtree V16_18: Manufacture of wood and paper products: printing18 507.018 884.019 364.919 612.019 412.319 538.219 709.019 868.1..
V16_18: Manufacture of wood and paper products: printingV16: Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork,etc.6 877.77 077.57 378.37 617.57 602.07 706.97 871.88 046.9..
V17: Manufacture of paper and paper products7 927.37 970.08 037.18 033.17 897.27 872.57 851.37 820.5..
V18: Printing and reproduction of recorded media3 702.03 836.53 949.53 961.43 913.03 958.83 985.94 000.8..
V19: Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products1 957.21 982.92 239.42 393.52 479.92 599.02 721.82 820.9..
V20: Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products5 843.85 961.26 330.56 796.07 044.37 379.27 754.48 103.2..
V21: Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and preparations3 492.63 527.43 775.83 994.64 087.44 278.64 440.04 595.0..
Hide subtree V22_23: Manufacture of rubber, plastics and other non-metallic mineral products12 728.913 094.913 553.914 059.214 027.414 271.614 604.314 994.6..
V22_23: Manufacture of rubber, plastics and other non-metallic mineral productsV22: Manufacture of rubber and plastics products4 148.74 303.14 559.94 822.04 877.65 022.75 214.75 417.8..
V23: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products8 580.18 791.88 994.09 237.29 149.89 248.99 389.69 576.8..
Hide subtree V24_25: Manuf. of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except mach. & equip.19 361.220 399.521 521.122 436.722 787.623 493.424 332.425 310.5..
V24_25: Manuf. of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except mach. & equip.V24: Manufacture of basic metals9 508.410 073.210 661.611 151.611 343.811 682.612 145.812 715.0..
V25: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment9 852.810 326.310 859.511 285.111 443.811 810.812 186.612 595.6..
V26: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products7 126.27 308.37 391.27 325.67 035.06 950.06 861.86 755.4..
V27: Manufacture of electrical equipment3 721.53 863.74 105.44 420.84 583.54 897.55 152.65 405.3..
V28: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.6 779.37 031.87 450.67 908.17 989.58 273.18 583.88 911.0..
Hide subtree V29_30: Manufacture of transport equipment8 412.18 616.08 925.59 330.89 501.39 831.910 227.610 595.3..
V29_30: Manufacture of transport equipmentV29: Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers7 241.67 383.57 620.57 955.98 108.68 384.28 692.18 971.0..
V30: Manufacture of other transport equipment1 170.51 232.41 305.01 374.91 392.71 447.71 535.51 624.2..
Hide subtree V31_33: Other manufacturing, repair and installation of machinery and equipment6 279.86 329.26 551.66 750.46 693.56 872.17 067.57 262.6..
V31_33: Other manufacturing, repair and installation of machinery and equipmentV31_32: Manufacture of furniture, other manufacturing4 905.54 940.55 072.65 223.55 101.05 224.65 378.75 533.6..
V33: Repair and installation of machinery and equipment1 374.31 388.71 478.91 526.91 592.61 647.51 688.81 729.1..
VD: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply42 926.444 400.545 515.246 607.945 054.746 203.247 239.448 276.6..
Hide subtree VE: Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities35 779.737 533.339 832.642 115.044 066.446 060.747 578.248 752.8..
VE: Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activitiesV36: Water collection, treatment and supply6 309.06 679.27 161.87 676.38 202.48 703.99 126.89 364.0..
V37_39: Sewerage, waste collection and management services29 470.830 854.132 670.834 438.735 863.937 356.838 451.439 388.8..
VF: Construction49 817.952 089.255 847.159 116.760 044.761 794.663 898.265 885.9..
Hide subtree VG: Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles54 484.355 939.357 948.459 458.458 095.459 156.360 796.162 703.4..
VG: Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcyclesV45: Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles6 557.16 782.17 151.17 380.27 337.17 483.07 686.87 898.8..
V46: Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles25 527.425 844.126 496.927 001.426 019.426 332.826 936.727 749.4..
V47: Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles22 399.823 313.024 300.425 076.824 738.925 340.426 172.627 055.2..
Hide subtree VH: Transportation and storage90 220.796 109.7103 603.9110 507.2115 279.0122 404.2129 777.2136 718.8..
VH: Transportation and storageV49: Land transport and transport via pipelines59 166.961 620.865 077.867 655.268 519.970 723.773 022.374 930.9..
V50: Water transport1 266.41 303.81 346.71 416.31 488.61 578.31 804.92 076.9..
V51: Air transport3 881.33 736.93 754.33 836.13 614.13 389.63 489.03 614.9..
V52: Warehousing and support activities for transportation24 739.528 269.132 199.136 338.040 420.445 440.350 137.254 695.6..
V53: Postal and courier activities1 166.51 179.11 225.91 261.61 235.91 272.31 323.81 400.5..
VI: Accommodation and food service activities29 107.630 134.731 846.033 331.233 975.335 286.636 828.238 419.8..
Hide subtree VJ: Information and communication30 906.330 936.731 166.130 928.911 861.812 188.112 547.212 919.9..
VJ: Information and communicationHide subtree V58_60: Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities2 553.12 557.42 583.02 627.42 425.02 471.02 561.72 656.9..
V58_60: Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activitiesV58: Publishing activities857.5869.1874.5858.8717.9733.5742.1751.7..
V59_60: Audiovisual and broadcasting activities1 695.61 688.41 708.51 768.61 707.21 737.51 819.61 905.2..
V61: Telecommunications25 964.626 028.226 301.626 127.68 332.08 590.58 812.79 030.9..
V62_63: IT and other information services2 388.62 351.02 281.52 173.91 104.71 126.51 172.81 232.1..
Hide subtree VK: Financial and insurance activities31 326.132 216.333 098.333 562.432 571.832 899.233 855.534 882.6..
VK: Financial and insurance activitiesV64: Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding22 244.522 762.823 161.023 372.722 324.222 477.223 047.723 676.6..
V65: Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory S.S.5 928.56 131.66 498.06 741.36 837.77 021.07 295.37 570.0..
V66: Activities auxiliary to financial service and insurance activities3 153.03 321.83 439.33 448.43 409.93 401.13 512.53 636.0..
Hide subtree VL: Real estate activities579 136.9617 363.3663 165.4705 422.1738 974.0774 343.6814 392.0858 161.3..
VL: Real estate activitiesV68A: of which: imputed rents of owner-occupied dwellings..................
Hide subtree VM: Professional, scientific and technical activities13 367.414 549.915 904.917 412.717 030.118 060.719 384.320 762.6..
VM: Professional, scientific and technical activitiesHide subtree V69_71: Legal, accounting, management, architecture, engineering activities8 835.09 708.010 740.611 931.811 986.812 770.213 719.214 741.3..
V69_71: Legal, accounting, management, architecture, engineering activitiesV69_70: Legal, accounting, head offices, management consultancy activities4 655.45 017.05 466.06 025.76 076.16 554.57 133.47 741.6..
V71: Architectural and engineering activities, technical testing and analysis4 179.64 691.05 274.55 906.05 910.76 215.76 585.86 999.7..
V72: Scientific research and development1 439.91 608.31 809.82 015.51 925.62 072.62 293.22 492.7..
Hide subtree V73_75: Other professional, scientific and technical activities3 092.63 233.73 354.63 465.43 117.73 217.93 371.93 528.6..
V73_75: Other professional, scientific and technical activitiesV73: Advertising and market research2 012.32 081.72 144.02 221.42 166.82 230.52 338.52 451.0..
V74_75: Other professional, scientific and tech. activities, veterinary activities1 080.31 152.01 210.61 244.0950.9987.41 033.41 077.5..
Hide subtree VN: Administrative and support service activities36 633.040 711.244 930.049 281.550 022.655 535.059 401.562 935.4..
VN: Administrative and support service activitiesV77: Rental and leasing activities30 996.034 774.938 605.341 978.839 814.741 929.544 819.547 287.0..
V78: Employment activities301.1315.8334.3346.7334.8353.3377.5406.8..
V79: Travel agency, tour operator, reservation service and related activities1 119.01 170.51 220.31 275.11 267.51 300.41 356.71 416.2..
V80_82: Security, services to buildings and other business support activities4 216.94 450.14 770.15 680.98 605.611 951.912 847.813 825.4..
VO: Public administration and defence, compulsory social security91 519.595 230.599 992.2105 177.5110 319.3114 847.4118 376.6121 747.7..
VP: Education30 749.932 036.933 534.034 805.035 621.236 695.737 868.739 063.7..
Hide subtree VQ: Human health and social work activities43 095.345 381.948 243.550 836.648 475.750 777.653 301.855 967.3..
VQ: Human health and social work activitiesV86: Human health activities32 203.933 729.935 680.737 410.134 859.336 329.737 906.739 570.6..
V87_88: Residential care and social work activities10 891.511 652.112 562.813 426.513 616.414 448.015 395.116 396.6..
Hide subtree VR: Arts, entertainment and recreation14 117.614 828.015 690.816 485.116 587.617 275.118 037.518 801.3..
VR: Arts, entertainment and recreationV90_92: Arts, cultural activities, gambling and betting activities4 565.94 797.95 085.35 350.55 328.05 571.05 875.46 180.8..
V93: Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities9 551.810 030.110 605.611 134.611 259.711 704.112 162.212 620.4..
Hide subtree VS: Other service activities11 702.512 285.912 982.113 626.513 682.714 203.714 805.415 410.8..
VS: Other service activitiesV94: Activities of membership organizations7 054.17 349.07 691.57 980.78 024.28 198.48 382.58 553.4..
V95: Repair of computers and personal and household goods174.9177.6183.8188.8184.2187.7194.9202.9..
V96: Other personal service activities4 473.64 759.35 106.85 456.95 474.35 817.76 227.96 654.5..
VT: Act. of HH as employers, undif. G&S-producing activities of HH for own use..................
VU: Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies..................
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 11:05 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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