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UnitKina, Millions
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Hide subtree Total tax and non-tax revenue1 3661 8732 3712 6813 2513 8696 4437 0077 1416 2138 3999 9219 7739 92512 04711 08811 54012 40214 37614 07312 56214 038
Hide subtree Total tax revenue1 3661 8732 3712 6813 2513 8695 0995 8755 8565 0906 5738 5268 4038 77310 2799 1429 47610 10210 76611 31110 27111 307
Hide subtree 1000 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains9361 3941 3501 6612 0602 6153 6304 2874 1523 3774 5625 9515 6325 8786 8895 9565 2865 4746 1196 0705 6686 356
Hide subtree 1100 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains of individuals5525996997688298429091 0011 0981 2551 5532 1592 6452 8273 2003 0372 8443 0943 1023 2123 5173 468
1110 On income and profits of individuals5525996997688298429091 0011 0981 2551 5532 1592 6452 8273 2003 0372 8443 0943 1023 2123 5173 468
1120 On capital gains of individuals0000000000000000000000
Hide subtree 1200 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains of corporatesInformation on item3847966518921 2311 7722 7203 2853 0542 1233 0093 7932 9873 0513 6892 9192 4412 3803 0172 8582 1512 888
Hide subtree 1210 On profits of corporates3847966518921 2311 7722 7203 2853 0542 1233 0093 7932 9873 0513 6892 9192 4412 3803 0172 8582 1512 888
Corporate Income Tax2622523123354375185467248401 0861 2011 3731 6772 0672 6292 3752 0941 9501 9331 6971 5541 690
Mining and Petroleum Tax04352493966331 0761 9462 3341 9917491 4762 0731 03366779416992114775760183635
Royalty tax21422333656911172211272626263030
Management tax112122224346711157181718172020
Dividend witholding tax545663117123155201204191247279291186245186195133182155215216366
Dividend withholding tax6451224133182219233342407245431627991111128135127
Non-Resident Insuers Withholding Tax0000000000000000000151320
1220 On capital gains of corporates0000000000000000000000
1300 Unallocable between 1100 and 12000000000000000000000000
2000 Social security contributions (SSC)0000000000000000000000
3000 Taxes on payroll and workforce1012222222244616014119211
Hide subtree 4000 Taxes on property444052425947738574586564706713751794210047431
4100 Recurrent taxes on immovable property0000000000000000000000
4200 Recurrent taxes on net wealth0000000000000000000000
4300 Estate, inheritance and gift taxes0000000000000000000000
4400 Taxes on financial and capital transactions444052425947738574586564706713751794210047431
4500 Non-recurrent taxes on property0000000000000000000000
4600 Other recurrent taxes on property except 4100 and 42000000000000000000000000
Hide subtree 5000 Taxes on goods and services3864389699761 1301 2051 3951 5011 6281 6531 9442 5072 6972 8223 2373 1344 0974 5754 5385 1924 5604 948
Hide subtree 5100 Taxes on production, sale, transfer, etc3864389699761 1301 2051 3951 5011 6281 6531 9442 5072 6972 8223 2373 1344 0974 5754 5385 1924 5604 948
Hide subtree 5110 General taxes on goods and services3253724104214565376276547648148741 1621 3001 3881 6361 6372 5162 7332 5182 7682 5432 659
Hide subtree 5111 Value added taxes3213674054164515326216487588078651 1541 2911 3791 6231 5712 5092 6972 4982 7512 5352 652
Goods and services tax (inland collection)1772282602702893714444685495956298761 0191 0361 1801 0681 1031 1311 1201 3681 3251 451
Goods and services tax (port collection)1441391451461621611771802092122362782723434435038731 2991 0891 1069821 104
Goods and services tax (refunds)000000000000000053326728827622898
5112 Sales tax0000000000000000000000
5113 Other (than value added and sales tax)456556666798991366836201787
Hide subtree 5120 Taxes on specific goods and services61665595556746677688468648391 0701 3451 3971 4341 6011 4971 5811 8422 0202 4242 0162 289
5121 Excises....2962853263344084554924946117378558148898028761 1051 0751 3611 0751 281
5122 Profits of fiscal monopolies0000000000000000000000
5123 Customs and import duties....807415110190136158144189281223257273243243246325409380380
5124 Taxes on exports....107112102136163155127109174211180212275316294297392398399399
5125 Taxes on investment goods0000000000000000000000
Hide subtree 5126 Taxes on specific services616677859595107100879297116139151164136168193228256163229
Gaming taxes58627483919210497848993111133145158126164179205227158228
Departure tax3332433333456669414232951
5127 Other taxes on internat. trade and transactions not included within 5121 to 5126 inclusive0000000000000000000000
5128 Other taxes not included within 5121 to 5127 inclusive0000000000000000000000
5130 Unallocable between 5110 and 51200000000000000000000000
5200 Taxes on use of goods and perform activities0000000000000000000000
5300 Unallocable between 5100 and 52000000000000000000000000
6000 Taxes other than 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 50000000000000000000000000
Hide subtree Total non-tax revenue............1 3431 1321 2851 1221 8261 3951 3701 1511 7681 9462 0642 3003 6102 7622 2912 731
Non-tax revenue: Grants............9157211 0028781 3911 0451 0918788688201 4301 4401 8361 7761 4252 088
Hide subtree Non-tax revenue: Property income............340291189145341253172556669115298421 064529741552
Non-tax revenue: Rents and royalties............00000000000030282321
Hide subtree Non-tax revenue: Interest and dividends............340291189145341253172556669115298421 034501719531
Mining and Petroleum Dividends............2712261631382991911220514456301562654381569381
SWF Receipts............0000000000000000
Interests and fees from lending............11171130000000000
Non-tax revenue: Other property income............0000000000000000
Non-tax revenue: Sales of goods and services............0000000000003237911
Non-tax revenue: Fines, penalties and forfeits............0000000000003231
Non-tax revenue: Miscellaneous and unidentified revenue............891209310095981062192352151051867641811379
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 11:36 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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