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The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

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CountryInformation on item
MeasureNational currency, current prices
UnitEuro, Millions
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TransactionInformation on table
Hide subtree Net financial transactions-12 539.266-13 800.575-7 256.164-7 370.887................
Hide subtree Net acquisition of financial assets5 151.3972 221.2354 790.3625 727.465................
Hide subtree Monetary gold and SDRs0000................
Monetary gold........................
Special drawing rights (SDRs)........................
Hide subtree Currency and deposits -8 333.772-360.0552 880.499-849.471................
Transferable deposits -6 485.042-1 445.9582 131.808261.294................
Other deposits -1 848.731 085.902748.691-1 110.766................
Hide subtree Securities other than shares 3 457.802681.65507.3161 369.862................
Hide subtree Securities other than shares, except financial derivatives3 457.802681.65507.3161 369.862................
Short-term securities -453.904-120.706-10.192-0.547................
Long-term securities 3 911.706802.356517.5081 370.409................
Financial derivatives 0000................
Hide subtree Loans 2 871.343795.9221 217.6654 448.771................
Short-term loans1 313.846-74.531-1 718.372291.093................
Long-term loans1 557.497870.4532 936.0374 157.678................
Hide subtree Shares and other equity 5 580.149913.601-400.455514.356................
Hide subtree Shares and other equity, except mutual funds shares 5 141.374453.495-441.406330.154................
Quoted shares-102.095496.898-4.059-0.255................
Unquoted shares 5 051.408-459.455-596.002-728.602................
Other equity 192.06416.052158.6551 059.011................
Mutual funds shares 438.776460.10640.951184.202................
Hide subtree Insurance technical reserves 0000................
Hide subtree Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves........................
Net equity of households in life insurance reserves ........................
Net equity of households in pension funds........................
Prepayments of premiums and reserves against outstanding claims........................
Hide subtree Other accounts receivable 1 575.875190.117585.338243.948................
Trade credits and advances -358.267000................
Other accounts receivable, except trade credits and advances 1 934.142190.117585.338243.948................
Hide subtree Net incurrence of liabilities17 690.66316 021.8112 046.52613 098.353................
Hide subtree Currency and deposits 0000................
Transferable deposits ........................
Other deposits ........................
Hide subtree Securities other than shares 10 191.69212 060.5977 524.0989 305.549................
Hide subtree Securities other than shares, except financial derivatives11 055.07111 945.7157 924.5738 911.707................
Short-term securities -1 250.278-667.736-4 548.796720.043................
Long-term securities 12 305.3512 613.4512 473.3698 191.664................
Financial derivatives -863.379114.883-400.475393.842................
Hide subtree Loans 6 680.2263 995.0944 047.5763 958.57................
Short-term loans1 477.979338.721-153.347-470.641................
Long-term loans5 202.2473 656.3734 200.9224 429.211................
Hide subtree Shares and other equity 0000................
Hide subtree Shares and other equity, except mutual funds shares ........................
Quoted shares........................
Unquoted shares ........................
Other equity ........................
Mutual funds shares ........................
Hide subtree Insurance technical reserves 0000................
Hide subtree Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves........................
Net equity of households in life insurance reserves ........................
Net equity of households in pension funds........................
Prepayments of premiums and reserves against outstanding claims........................
Hide subtree Other accounts payable818.745-33.881474.853-165.767................
Trade credits and advances 0000................
Other accounts payable, except trade credits and advances 818.745-33.881474.853-165.767................
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 13:18 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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