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This dataset is an archive of the Balance sheets for non-financial assets dataset as of the 27th June of 2019, prior to the 2019 benchmark revisions. As it may happen that countries only cover results for a limited time period when first publishing the results of their benchmark revision, this dataset provides users with longer time series based on the methodology as used before the benchmark revision. In general, longer historical time series become available after a certain amount of time.

CountryInformation on item
MeasureCurrent prices
UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
TransactionInformation on table
Hide subtree N: Non-financial assets6 923 000.07 539 000.07 762 000.08 675 000.08 895 000.09 053 000.09 530 000.010 281 000.011 124 000.011 578 000.012 478 000.012 842 000.0..
Hide subtree N1: Produced assets3 553 000.03 846 000.04 068 000.04 254 000.04 470 000.04 702 000.04 982 000.05 293 000.05 571 000.05 776 000.05 984 000.06 268 000.0..
Hide subtree N11: Fixed assetsInformation on row3 410 000.03 689 000.03 910 000.04 098 000.04 303 000.04 531 000.04 811 000.05 121 000.05 399 000.05 604 000.05 805 000.06 080 000.0..
Hide subtree N111: Tangible fixed assetsInformation on row3 070 000.03 336 000.03 548 000.03 707 000.03 892 000.04 107 000.04 365 000.04 639 000.04 887 000.05 081 000.05 277 000.05 547 000.0..
N1111: Dwellings1 240 000.01 325 000.01 390 000.01 452 000.01 511 000.01 556 000.01 615 000.01 699 000.01 793 000.01 885 000.01 987 000.02 101 000.0..
Hide subtree N1112: Buildings other than dwellings1 366 000.01 502 000.01 611 000.01 699 000.01 821 000.01 969 000.02 133 000.02 294 000.02 414 000.02 502 000.02 599 000.02 739 000.0..
N11121: Non-residential buildings..........................
N11122: Other structures..........................
N1113: Machinery and equipment and weapon system443 000.0487 000.0526 000.0535 000.0538 000.0559 000.0594 000.0623 000.0656 000.0670 000.0666 000.0682 000.0..
N1114: Cultivated biological resourcesInformation on row21 000.022 000.021 000.021 000.022 000.023 000.023 000.023 000.024 000.024 000.025 000.025 000.0..
Hide subtree N112: Intellectual property product137 000.0153 000.0165 000.0175 000.0189 000.0205 000.0220 000.0230 000.0234 000.0236 000.0240 000.0247 000.0..
N1121: Mineral exploration and evaluation52 000.058 000.062 000.066 000.073 000.080 000.087 000.091 000.091 000.090 000.092 000.096 000.0..
N1122: Computer software and database27 000.028 000.029 000.029 000.031 000.033 000.036 000.037 000.040 000.042 000.044 000.047 000.0..
N1123: Entertainment, literary or artistic originals1 000.02 000.02 000.02 000.03 000.03 000.03 000.03 000.03 000.03 000.03 000.03 000.0..
N1124: Research and development58 000.066 000.073 000.078 000.083 000.089 000.094 000.098 000.0101 000.0101 000.0101 000.0101 000.0..
N1129: Other Intellectual property product..........................
N12: Inventories144 000.0157 000.0158 000.0156 000.0167 000.0171 000.0171 000.0172 000.0173 000.0172 000.0179 000.0187 000.0..
N13: Valuables..........................
Hide subtree N2: Non-produced non-financial assets3 369 000.03 693 000.03 695 000.04 422 000.04 425 000.04 350 000.04 548 000.04 989 000.05 552 000.05 802 000.06 494 000.06 574 000.0..
Hide subtree N21: Natural resources3 366 000.03 690 000.03 692 000.04 419 000.04 423 000.04 349 000.04 545 000.04 986 000.05 550 000.05 799 000.06 490 000.06 570 000.0..
N211: Land3 091 000.03 306 000.03 221 000.03 894 000.03 865 000.03 731 000.03 909 000.04 273 000.04 840 000.05 154 000.05 847 000.05 921 000.0..
N212: Mineral and energy reserves267 000.0374 000.0461 000.0515 000.0547 000.0606 000.0622 000.0697 000.0694 000.0629 000.0624 000.0630 000.0..
N213_N214: Non-cultivated biological resources and Water resources..........................
N215: Other natural resources..........................
N22: Intangible non-produced assets3 000.03 000.03 000.02 000.02 000.02 000.03 000.03 000.03 000.03 000.04 000.04 000.0..
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 12:40 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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