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UnitYuan Renminbi, Billions
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Hide subtree Total tax revenue4 5625 4225 9527 3218 97310 06111 05311 91712 49213 03514 43715 64021 79120 34924 180
Hide subtree 1000 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains1 2371 5441 6211 8962 4892 8193 2253 5933 9584 3154 8995 4845 4165 4466 293
1100 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains of individuals3193723954846055826537388621 0091 1971 3871 0391 1571 399
Hide subtree 1200 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains of corporates9181 1711 2261 4121 8832 2372 5722 8563 0973 3063 7034 0974 3774 2894 894
Enterprise income tax8781 1181 1541 2841 6771 9652 2432 4642 7132 8853 2123 5323 7303 6434 204
Land appreciation tax405472128206272329391383421491564647647690
1300 Unallocable between 1100 and 1200000000000000000
Hide subtree 2000 Social security contributions (SSC)Information on item........................5 9994 9226 910
2400 Unallocable between 2100, 2200 and 2300 SSC........................5 9994 9226 910
3000 Taxes on payroll and workforce000000000000000
Hide subtree 4000 Taxes on property4434124365406136778399381 1531 0991 2081 3211 3861 5051 691
Hide subtree 4100 Recurrent taxes on immovable property96150172190232291330384419448496528518490540
4110 Households recurrent taxes on immovable property000000000000000
Hide subtree 4120 Other than households recurrent taxes on immovable property96150172190232291330384419448496528518490540
House property tax58688089110137158185205222260289299284328
Urban and town land use tax398292100122154172199214226236239220206213
4200 Recurrent taxes on net wealth000000000000000
4300 Estate, inheritance and gift taxes000000000000000
Hide subtree 4400 Taxes on financial and capital transactions3472622633513813865095547346517127938681 0151 150
Stamp tax on securities transactions2019851544430476725512510798123177248
Other stamp duties26333950606877878996114122123131160
Deed tax121131174246277287384400390430491573621706743
4500 Non-recurrent taxes on property000000000000000
4600 Other recurrent taxes on property except 4100 and 4200000000000000000
Hide subtree 5000 Taxes on goods and servicesInformation on item2 8823 4673 8954 8855 8726 5646 9897 3867 3817 6218 3298 8368 9908 4769 286
Hide subtree 5100 Taxes on production, sale, transfer, etcInformation on item2 8553 4193 8114 7695 7316 3596 7567 1217 1057 3458 0818 6018 7368 2299 051
Hide subtree 5110 General taxes on goods and servicesInformation on item2 3732 8493 0283 7304 5084 9665 2955 5355 3975 6886 2846 7346 5816 1706 720
Hide subtree 5111 Value added taxesInformation on item1 7152 0872 1272 6143 1403 3913 5723 7573 4664 5386 2846 7346 5816 1706 720
Domestic VAT1 5471 8001 8482 1092 4272 6422 8813 0863 1114 0715 6386 1536 2355 6796 352
Import VAT6157397731 0491 3561 4801 4001 4431 2531 2781 5971 6881 5121 3911 660
Urban maintenance and construction tax116134154189278313342364389403436484482461522
Refund of VAT for export-563-587-649-733-920-1 043-1 052-1 136-1 287-1 215-1 387-1 591-1 648-1 361-1 814
5112 Sales tax000000000000000
Hide subtree 5113 Other (than value added and sales tax)6587639011 1161 3681 5751 7231 7781 9311 15000000
Business tax6587639011 1161 3681 5751 7231 7781 9311 15000000
Hide subtree 5120 Taxes on specific goods and servicesInformation on item4835707831 0391 2231 3921 4611 5861 7071 6581 7971 8672 1552 0592 331
Hide subtree 5121 Excises3133636017949071 0241 0981 1931 3481 3021 3621 4201 6841 6271 822
Domestic excise tax2212574766076947888238911 0541 0221 0231 0631 2561 2031 388
Import excise tax000000000000696272
Motor vehicles purchase tax8899116179204223260289279267328345350353352
Leaf tobacco tax5788913151414131211111112
Refund of excise tax for export000000000000-2-2-2
5122 Profits of fiscal monopolies000000000000000
5123 Customs and import duties143177148203256278263284256260300285289256281
5124 Taxes on exports000000000000000
5125 Taxes on investment goods000000000000000
5126 Taxes on specific services000000000000000
5127 Other taxes on internat. trade and transactions not included within 5121 to 5126 inclusive000000000000000
Hide subtree 5128 Other taxes not included within 5121 to 5127 inclusiveInformation on item26303442609010110810395135163182175229
Resources tax26303442609010110810395135163182175229
5130 Unallocable between 5110 and 5120000000000000000
Hide subtree 5200 Taxes on use of goods and perform activities274884116141205233265276276248235254246235
Hide subtree 5210 Recurrent taxes on use of goods and perform activities714192430394754616877838895102
Vehicle and vessel tax714192430394754616877838895102
Hide subtree 5220 Non-recurrent taxes on use of goods and perform activities20336692111166185210214208170152166152132
Cultivated land use tax19316389108162181206210203165132139126107
Vessel tonnage tax222334455555556
Environmental protection tax0000000000015222120
5300 Unallocable between 5100 and 5200000000000000000
6000 Taxes other than 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000000000000000000
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 14:43 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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