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Hide subtree Total tax and non-tax revenue2 601 4383 011 5383 818 7773 931 5134 475 7534 962 0015 264 9694 933 7476 305 6516 934 3708 067 383
Hide subtree Total tax revenue2 052 8862 264 9692 634 8563 017 5963 660 4183 969 2484 469 2824 477 1364 751 0495 742 8216 925 347
Hide subtree 1000 Taxes on income, profits and capital gainsInformation on item731 941735 758884 1181 029 2441 191 6021 343 1971 536 6361 445 5941 524 2521 731 8602 280 470
1300 Unallocable between 1100 and 1200731 941735 758884 1181 029 2441 191 6021 343 1971 536 6361 445 5941 524 2521 731 8602 280 470
2000 Social security contributions (SSC)00000000000
3000 Taxes on payroll and workforce00000000000
Hide subtree 4000 Taxes on propertyInformation on item24 36125 03631 02340 27039 34445 20368 30577 42268 79955 21770 888
Other taxes on property7 8346 7309 23310 7943 8607 0365 5517 0269 65100
4100 Recurrent taxes on immovable property00000000000
4200 Recurrent taxes on net wealth00000000000
4300 Estate, inheritance and gift taxes00000000000
Hide subtree 4400 Taxes on financial and capital transactions16 52718 30621 79029 47635 48438 16762 75470 39659 14855 21770 888
Stamp duties16 52718 30621 79029 47635 48438 16762 75470 39659 14855 21770 888
4500 Non-recurrent taxes on property00000000000
4600 Other recurrent taxes on property except 4100 and 420000000000000
Hide subtree 5000 Taxes on goods and servicesInformation on item1 225 2431 394 6591 577 0931 795 0912 337 8702 498 6652 782 4332 857 6773 050 8903 831 2064 433 346
Hide subtree 5100 Taxes on production, sale, transfer, etcInformation on item1 214 1031 380 6841 561 5281 779 2192 318 7932 477 3832 758 3102 832 8273 032 9113 804 4274 397 127
Hide subtree 5110 General taxes on goods and services809 310841 3241 002 1101 088 8231 453 4371 494 0521 715 1701 667 7681 829 7902 283 8312 887 576
Hide subtree 5111 Value added taxes809 310841 3241 002 1101 088 8231 453 4371 494 0521 715 1701 667 7681 829 7902 283 8312 887 576
Sales tax809 310841 3241 002 1101 088 8231 323 6851 323 2611 491 3101 464 8871 596 8211 990 1862 531 856
Sales tax on services0000129 752170 791223 860202 881232 969293 645355 720
5112 Sales tax00000000000
5113 Other (than value added and sales tax)00000000000
Hide subtree 5120 Taxes on specific goods and servicesInformation on item404 793539 360559 418690 396865 356983 3311 043 1401 165 0591 203 1211 520 5961 509 551
Hide subtree 5121 ExcisesInformation on item186 578299 752318 421384 256459 176487 313434 815479 662576 743755 412500 053
Excise duty126 209124 349144 540170 004197 461205 205214 431242 865258 113285 290329 874
Petroleum levy60 369109 666103 534131 357149 290166 697178 874206 308293 681424 654127 529
Petroleum levy on LPG01000002 1223 7143 2473 5073 659
Gas infrastructure development cess033 55631 81757 02179 77142 14915 17621 4719 34619 43818 619
Natural gas development surcharge032 17138 53025 87432 65473 26224 2125 30412 35622 52320 372
5122 Profits of fiscal monopolies00000000000
5123 Customs and import duties218 215239 608240 997306 140406 180496 018608 325685 397626 378765 1841 009 498
5124 Taxes on exports00000000000
5125 Taxes on investment goods00000000000
5126 Taxes on specific services00000000000
5127 Other taxes on internat. trade and transactions not included within 5121 to 5126 inclusive00000000000
5128 Other taxes not included within 5121 to 5127 inclusive00000000000
5130 Unallocable between 5110 and 512000000000000
Hide subtree 5200 Taxes on use of goods and perform activities11 14013 97515 56515 87219 07721 28224 12324 85017 97926 77936 219
Hide subtree 5210 Recurrent taxes on use of goods and perform activities11 14013 97515 56515 87219 07721 28224 12324 85017 97926 77936 219
5211 Recurrent taxes paid by households: motor vehicles11 14013 97515 56515 87219 07721 28224 12324 85017 97926 77936 219
5212 Recurrent taxes paid by others: motor vehicles00000000000
5213 Recurrent taxes paid on use of goods and perform activities other than on motor vehicles00000000000
5220 Non-recurrent taxes on use of goods and perform activities00000000000
5300 Unallocable between 5100 and 520000000000000
Hide subtree 6000 Taxes other than 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 500071 341109 516142 622152 99191 60282 18381 90896 443107 108124 538140 643
6100 Paid solely by business00000000000
6200 Other taxes not solely paid by business71 341109 516142 622152 99191 60282 18381 90896 443107 108124 538140 643
Hide subtree Total non-tax revenue548 552746 5691 183 921913 917815 335992 753795 687456 6111 554 6021 191 5491 142 036
Non-tax revenue: Grants34 92429 102193 78822 37028 77425 27836 95433 02333 48331 00032 000
Hide subtree Non-tax revenue: Property income372 014400 203753 441586 914477 015494 498465 532236 2681 305 300893 944829 425
Non-tax revenue: Interest and dividends266 207295 796621 713490 976408 525430 774394 302126 6571 207 772809 694707 682
Non-tax revenue: Other property income00000000000
Non-tax revenue: Rents and royalties105 807104 407131 72895 93868 49063 72471 230109 61197 52884 250121 743
Non-tax revenue: Sales of good and services20 775196 606136 159175 818127 83087 82828 71038 64532 16527 90038 880
Non-tax revenue: Fines, penalties and forfeits00000000000
Non-tax revenue: Miscellaneous and unidentified revenue120 839120 658100 533128 815181 716385 149264 491148 675183 654238 705241 731
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 23:55 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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