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Hide subtree Total tax revenue697 866775 923876 671999 4741 062 8591 065 6441 078 2941 158 0781 258 1211 464 3001 385 1991 586 900
Hide subtree 1000 Taxes on income, profits and capital gainsInformation on item151 753179 053210 321381 461405 147423 881459 965451 204526 726591 614559 929584 920
1100 Of individualsInformation on item73 94081 21191 667256 863301 550320 221332 779341 227356 639410 348411 165426 317
1200 Corporate77 81397 842118 653124 598103 597103 660127 187109 977170 087181 266148 763158 603
1300 Unallocable between 1100 and 1200000000000000
Hide subtree 2000 Social security contributions105 336123 449129 05917 63211 95310 87613 37215 81617 38118 67224 75842 963
2100 Employees105 336123 449129 05917 63211 95310 87613 37215 81617 38118 67224 75842 963
2200 Employers000000000000
2300 Self-employed or non-employed000000000000
2400 Unallocable between 2100, 2200 and 2300 SSC000000000000
3000 Taxes on payroll and workforce000000000000
Hide subtree 4000 Taxes on property000000000000
4100 Recurrent taxes on immovable property........................
Hide subtree 5000 Taxes on goods and servicesInformation on item394 444446 944500 710558 862640 966619 606591 702665 153747 330834 264776 501915 966
Hide subtree 5100 Taxes on production, sale, transfer, etcInformation on item374 410424 577476 884531 575601 684587 201558 393628 029709 468788 405743 055849 060
Hide subtree 5110 General taxes285 681324 379364 544410 091456 000435 793406 347427 075459 559503 375498 187588 401
5111 Value added taxes285 681324 379364 544396 694440 361423 933391 088408 784438 219474 377471 588555 986
5112 Sales tax000000000000
5113 Turnover and other general taxes on goods and services00013 39715 63911 85915 26018 29121 33928 99826 59932 414
Hide subtree 5120 Taxes on specific goods and servicesInformation on item88 729100 198112 340121 484145 684151 408152 045200 954249 910285 029244 868260 659
5121 Excises15 27023 15228 95231 03350 56048 98959 74582 325108 962127 535123 556113 138
5122 Profits of fiscal monopolies000000000000
5123 Customs and import duties27 84334 68641 29444 29148 39761 48755 42872 56280 23695 14768 26184 840
5124 Taxes on exports000000000000
5125 Taxes on investment goods000000000000
Hide subtree 5126 Taxes on specific services20 72220 40114 85817 87511 5499 6769 4915 9496 4634 08600
Patent payment0006 8346 6906 5716 2885 9496 4634 08600
Flat-sum payment20 72220 40114 85811 0414 8593 1053 20300000
5127 Other taxes on internat. trade and transactions000000000000
Hide subtree 5128 Other taxes on specific goods and servicesInformation on item24 89521 95927 23528 28535 17831 25627 38140 11854 24958 26153 05162 682
Environmental tax and natural resource use payment000035 17831 25627 38140 11854 24958 26153 05162 682
Flat-sum payment for tobacco products24 89521 95927 23528 28500000000
5130 Unallocable between 5110 and 5120000000000000
5200 Taxes on use of goods and perform activities20 03522 36723 82627 28739 28232 40533 31037 12537 86245 86033 44666 905
Hide subtree 6000 Other taxes46 33326 47736 58241 5204 79211 28213 25525 905-33 31619 75024 01143 052
Other tax revenue46 33326 47736 58241 5204 79211 28213 25525 90521 99021 20624 38547 183
Transitional tax overpayments00000000-55 306-1 456-374-4 132
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 18:20 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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