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UnitAustralian Dollar, Thousands
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Hide subtree Total tax and non-tax revenue63 705111 977141 039175 854238 058242 472228 104261 051
Hide subtree Total tax revenue9 55224 10621 45942 08756 56580 02281 01476 050
Hide subtree 1000 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains012 59312 59027 32039 73162 92763 46855 419
Hide subtree 1100 Of individuals00000000
1110 On income and profits of individuals00000000
1120 On capital gains of individuals00000000
Hide subtree 1200 Corporate00000000
1210 On profits of corporates00000000
1220 On capital gains of corporates00000000
Hide subtree 1300 Unallocable between 1100 and 1200012 59312 59027 32039 73162 92763 46855 419
Employment Services Tax012 59310 1318 65717 53119 93519 51815 573
Business Tax002 45918 66322 20042 99243 95039 846
2000 Social security contributions00000000
3000 Taxes on payroll and workforce00000000
4000 Taxes on property00000000
Hide subtree 5000 Taxes on goods and services9 55211 5138 86914 76716 83417 09417 54620 631
Hide subtree 5100 Taxes on production, sale, transfer, etc8 74710 7478 20014 01115 75015 95316 44619 251
Hide subtree 5110 General taxes00000000
5111 Value added taxes00000000
5112 Sales tax00000000
5113 Other00000000
Hide subtree 5120 Taxes on specific goods and services8 74710 7478 20014 01115 75015 95316 44619 251
5121 Excises00000000
5122 Profits of fiscal monopolies00000000
Hide subtree 5123 Customs and import duties7 5818 2715 12112 05510 00011 60413 10516 588
Tobacco6584 1824195 7145 3385 7177 0737 577
Alcohol1 6283221 5461 9961 1341 4291 9561 925
Sugary products2285566207408519301 2631 401
Other products5 0673 2102 5363 6062 6773 5282 8135 686
5124 Taxes on exports00000000
5125 Taxes on investment goods00000000
Hide subtree 5126 Taxes on specific services1 1662 4763 0791 9555 7504 3493 3412 663
DCA Departure tax2865796152591 74781100
DCA Pax levy2789916892891 84694900
Telecom tax6029061 7751 4072 1582 5893 3412 663
5127 Other taxes on internat. trade and transactions00000000
5128 Other taxes00000000
5130 Unallocable between 5110 and 512000000000
Hide subtree 5200 Taxes on use of goods and perform activities8057666707571 0841 1421 1001 380
Hide subtree 5210 Recurrent taxes on use of goods and perform activities213228286334455700479457
5211 Recurrent taxes paid by households: motor vehicles00000000
5212 Recurrent taxes paid by others: motor vehicles0000324493124
5213 Recurrent taxes paid on use of goods and perform activities other than on motor vehicles213228286334423656386333
5220 Non-recurrent taxes on use of goods and perform activities592538384423629442621922
5300 Unallocable between 5100 and 520000000000
6000 Other taxes00000000
Hide subtree Total non-tax revenue54 15387 871119 580133 766181 493162 450147 090185 001
Non-tax revenue: Grants21 40919 91631 97230 90733 25921 08732 01375 383
Hide subtree Non-tax revenue: Property income17 99838 61848 04248 17073 68476 02163 00658 942
Hide subtree Non-tax revenue: Rents and royalties17 55738 16046 91047 11172 49273 77160 28458 292
Fishing days, licences and support vessels16 76237 47746 89746 36371 37473 27959 79858 199
DCA Air navigation and rental fees795683137481 11849248694
Non-tax revenue: Interest and dividends4414581 1321 0591 1922 2502 722650
Non-tax revenue: Other property income00000000
Hide subtree Non-tax revenue: Sales of good and services14 74628 04333 59149 80257 66146 39931 00631 878
Visa Fees RPB12 80424 97827 84428 35720 28221 1135 7725 061
DJBC Operations07293 7402 6575 4503 3704 2125 089
Other sales of goods and services1 9422 3352 00718 78831 92921 91621 02221 727
Non-tax revenue: Fines, penalties and forfeits00000000
Non-tax revenue: Miscellaneous and unidentified revenue01 2955 9754 88716 88918 94321 06618 799
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 19:21 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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